“N’s” family was referred to us by Ruby’s Place, a shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence. “N’s” husband began abusing her after he became addicted to drugs. The abuse made it difficult for “N” to go to work and her husband would regularly take their only car. Without consistent transportation, she lost her job as an optic technician and eventually the family was evicted.
“N” left her husband and, with help from Ruby’s Place, is now in an apartment and has a new job. Finally back in their own place, the family needed furniture and household items to help the family get back to normal.

On March 9th, volunteers from our Moraga Chapter joined together to help make “N” apartment into a comfortable and happy home.

When “N” and her sons arrived, her youngest son couldn’t stop giggling. He was so excited to see every room in the house.

“This is so nice. Thank you so much! I don’t ever want to leave home,” said “N”.

Before: There was no where for the family to relax together.

After: A beautiful and comfortable room where they can spend time together.

Before: N’s oldest son stored his clothes in a garbage bag on the floor.

After: He has fully furnished room perfect for a boy his age.

Before: “N” had nowhere to store her things.

After: She has the beautiful and comfortable room she deserves.
“Are you kidding? We can actually sit down and eat together?” asked “N” when she saw the new table and chairs in her kitchen.