Aja is a single mom with three kids, 16-year-old Oluwaseyi, 12-year-old Niyah, and 10-year-old Love. Aja and her children have been homeless on-and-off since 2014. They were stayed with family, lived in their car, and finally ended up at a GRIP shelter several months ago. Aja struggles with substance abuse, but when we spoke with her on her 35th birthday she said she was celebrating her sobriety, not her birthday.
They just moved into a 3-bedroom apartment with only mattresses and the few clothes. Aja has been trying to collect second-hand items, but they are completely starting over. She says her family has been through so much chaos and trauma they are just trying to learn how to be normal again.

On February 23, volunteers and donors from our Lafayette/Oakland chapter set out to give the family the home they’ve wanted for so long.

When the family arrived, they were shocked. They loved every room, but mom’s room was the most joyful. Aja cried when she saw her beautiful new space.

“This is a room for a woman,” said Aja in tears.

Before: Aja has just her bed and a plastic container for her things.

After: She has a beautifully coordinated and comfortable bedroom set.

Before: The girls didn’t have any drawers or places to put away their things.

After: They have beautiful beds and dressers designed just for them.

Before: The family didn’t use their living room because their was nothing in it.

After: They have a gorgeous space where they can spend time together.
“This is the fresh start I was praying for!”

“I will never forget seeing my kids faces. They look so happy.”
Thank you to all of the donors and volunteers who gave this family the home they so desperately needed. Now, they have a home where they can relax, grow, and learn to be a family again.
And, as always, this wouldn’t be possible without the support of Chipman Relocation and Logistics.