Wells Fargo Gives the Gift of Home
On behalf of Grateful Gatherings, Operation Dignity, Carolyne and her family, we thank everyone on the Wells Fargo Team who made Tuesday a great success. In little over four hours, you gave Carolyne’s family more than they could have ever dreamed. They now have a place they can eat, sleep and gather as a family.

Family #1
Carolyne lives with her 28-year-old daughter Jasmine, 16-year-old daughter Lillian and Jasmine’s daughters 9-year-old Lavender, 6-year-old Laelonnie, and 3-year-old Winter Rose. Carolyne has been disabled for many years, which has limited her ability to be employed. The family was homeless for years prior to finding the apartment below.
When their new case manager, Sharon, saw the condition of the apartment they have been living in for 13 years, she knew she needed to do something quickly. Not only was it on the second floor and not good for Carolyne’s disability, the children were also living in poor conditions.

Sharon found a newly renovated apartment in the same complex for the family and this is the apartment our incredible Wells Fargo volunteers furnished.

When they were done, the apartment was beautiful. The family was shocked. When they went through the kitchen for the first time, they opened drawers, joyfully yelling out everything in the cupboards. “We have a can opener and a pizza cutter, pots and pans!” Then when they opened up the refrigerator stocked with fruit, veggies and dinners, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“We’ve never had a living room! Now we have a living room where we can sit around and talk about the world and all of our days!” – Lavendar, 9-years-old

“Thank you so much. Never in all of our lives have we ever lived in such a beautiful place or had things like this. I don’t even know what to say, but thank you.” – Carolyne

Sharon has started the process of helping Jasmine find a job and has made miraculous strides with Lillian’s school. Just last year, Lillian was doing poorly in school and wanted to drop out. She was able to find her a new charter school, a mentor, and assistance with her school work. She is now getting all A’s and B’s and has aspirations to go to college someday. Sharon sees this progress as a way to break the cycle of homelessness and the three younger children will have a role model moving forward. She feels, strongly, this new place will be the lift up they need for a brighter future.
Thank you
Many thanks to the WELLS FARGO Team. We are incredibly grateful for the time and donations you provided this family. We hope to work with you again very soon.
Thank you to CHIPMAN RELOCATION AND LOGISTICS for your continued support and all the extra help you gave us to make this Gathering a great success.
With gratitude,
Donna and Chris
Grateful Gatherings, Founders