Another Homerun for Miramonte Baseball Team
From Miramonte Baseball Team Coordinators, Lisa Hoskins and Kathy Schwarz:
A huge round of applause to ALL of our SUPER STAR volunteers and donors! It takes a village, and what a village we have here in Orinda! From MATS Baseball and beyond…Your generosity, caring spirit, and wonderful contributions have most definitely positively impacted the lives of two appreciative families…New chapters of promise await…Heartfelt thanks to one and all…
Each and every parent, player and coach volunteer or donor was an essential team player for this HOME RUN event!
A special thank you to Matt, Chris and Nick Watson, and a personal thank you to Dan & Campbell Hoskins and Jeff, Andrew and Ryan Schwarz for their numerous furniture “pick-ups” around the East Bay throughout the weeks prior. Also a shout-out to the Mollahan family for providing so much furniture and needed storage.
Now see all you did in only one day!

Family #1
Susan and “Z” were referred to us from SAVE, a shelter for abused women and children. Susan struggled for years to get away from her abusive husband but when he broke her arm she knew it was time.
When we arrived there was nothing more than a air mattress on the floor that the two of them slept on.
She left everything else behind.

Along with the help of our sponsors, Chipman Relocation and Logistics, the team brought in everything a family could have ever wanted. A sofa bed, living room chair, kitchen essentials.

Susan was speechless whens she saw her new home.

Z’s bedroom was small but we were able to provide a trundle bed, desk and dresser and all the cute accessories any 7 year-old would love!

As we were leaving Susan said, “I’ve worked so hard, saved my money and was finally able to afford this apartment, but you turned this apartment into a home. I am so grateful.”

Family #2
The second family we helped was a family of three, Sheila, Izzy (age 16 months) and Aylani (age 7). Sheila works at a local retail store but makes just enough to pay the rent and could not afford any furnishings.
When we arrived they only had one air mattress for the three of them. She would have to save years to provide her daughters with mattresses, couches and all the kitchen necessities.

The Miramonte Baseball Team got to work setting up couches, mattresses, desks and more! Within only two hours the place was complete with everything any family could ever want.

It was complete in record time and Sheila and her daughters couldn’t believe their eyes. Sheila said “I can’t believe this is my home.” Aylani said “My room is so beautiful.”

The next day she told us, “I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress for 3 months, it was like sleeping on air!” Her daughter said, “Mommy, I had the best sleep ever…it was like sleeping on marshmallows!”
Just imagine, only a few months ago they were living in a shelter and sleeping on the floor. Now, they have a comfortable place and a fresh start all because you cared.

Thank you
You made all that happen in one day for two families! Thank you for your support, kindness and generosity. Thank you for taking the job beyond baseball and showing the community what it really means to be a team.
With gratitude,
Donna and Chris
Grateful Gatherings, Founders

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